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GoPink – Against breast cancer with mushrooms

The GoPink campaign has been launched in numerous countries since the 2000s. Its aim is to draw attention to the importance of breast cancer prevention. The mushroom industry has also joined the international GoPink trends. As it is now well-known that cultivated mushrooms can be an excellent tool in breast cancer prevention. Numerous research programs have previously demonstrated the anti-tumor effects of cultivated white button mushrooms.

Most common cancer

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. In Europe, breast cancer accounts for 28.7% of newly diagnosed cases. A regrettable turn of events occurred in global cancer statistics in 2023. Among the most commonly occurring new cases, breast cancer has taken the lead over lung cancer. In Hungary, approximately 5,000 to 6,000 new cases of breast cancer are detected each year. Roughly 2,000 women succumb to the disease.

Goal of the GoPink campaign

The primary goal is to promote screening tests and raise awareness that a detected tumor in its early stages is more treatable. So emphasizing regular check-ups and self-examination is crucial to enable women to detect potential abnormalities early. Additionally, a key objective is to underscore the importance of prevention and a healthy lifestyle. Including regular exercise, healthy nutrition, and avoiding smoking, as these factors can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The leading mushroom company in the Hungarian market, the Bio-Fungi corporate group, places a significant emphasis on health awareness and a healthy lifestyle in its activities. They consider supporting preventive campaigns against diseases such as breast cancer a matter of great importance. The company’s GoPink campaign highlights the importance of prevention and screening tests in every October. Their mushroom products, packaged in pink, can be found throughout the month in Aldi, Tesco, Auchan, and Penny stores, and they are also available for order from Kifli.hu. The proceeds from their sales have been supporting the fight against breast cancer and the recovery of cancer patients since 2012.

“Thanks to the GoPink campaign and collaboration, we have been able to procure new treatment beds, essential tools, and devices for breast surgery over the past years, and we continue this noble mission this year,” said Árpád Mutsy, owner of the Bio-Fungi corporate group.

This year, the funds raised during the campaign will support the breast cancer efforts of the Szent Margit Hospital in Budapest and the Internal Medicine and Oncology Department of Semmelweis University.

Source: biofungi.hu